John H Marsh Maritime Research Centre

Interesting responses to letters from the World Doyen of Maritime Historians - John Henry Marsh

Extracts from correspondence from his files

MOST URGENT for 1992 Feb 26

"The Star" Daily Column

Dear Mr Shafto

Your Daily Column Yesterday 25/2/92
Your very interesting anecdoet deserves some corrections plus an illustration.
I personally knew the ship concerned (name misspelt) even to the extent I photographed her leavinq Cape Town Docks earlier in the War camouflaged in war paint and displaying prominently on her poop her anti-submarine gun that she was fated not to be able to use against the sub that caught her by surprise. I still have the negative of the photo from which no print has ever been made and the picture has thus never been published.

There were other survivors - many - from the ship. besides Bill Glaus.

The ship was not sunk on the day your story says it was.

She was not torpedoed "at exactly 2300h"

She was not sunk "off the Natal coast".

She was not officially bound for Bombay,

The "Empire Mahseer" was not the third ship hit.

The event was a watershed one in South African maritime history and therefore it deserves to be fully and accurately, not incorrectly, recorded in your Daily Column This is my business.

I will be happy to write the correct story for you in a maximum of 200 words and to provide a black/white enlargement of my photo if you wish

John Marsh

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