Deadwood Camp Gedenksboek
Burial and graves of prisoners at St Helena

R.J.Snyman in life Chief Commandant of Ladybrand O.F.S.
Died in the Boer Hospital Jamestown St Helena 27 April 1902 37 years old
Burial of R.J.Snyman
Burial of late Cmdt Snyman on 28th April 1902. Service led by Preachers A.F. S.....
and P. W. Ennis based on John 11 v25
Jan J Maartins
Jan J Martins in life Field Cornet Gatsrand district Potchefstroom Z.A.R. In war Commandant died Jamestown 7 October 1901 [at] 58 years old
Grave of J Maartins
Grave of Commandant Maartins Photographed .....
Genesis 48 vs 21

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