Deadwood Camp Gedenksboek 1900-1902
by S.F. van Smaalen
edited by M Marsh
Record by boer prisoners of experiences at POW camp on St Helena in 1900-1902
As per the title page
Gedenksboek (Book of memories) comprising photographs, postcards, passes, envelopes, signatures and curiosities collected during my prisoner internment on St Helena from 26 April 1900 to ...
When he was repatriated in 1902, he gave it to a British medic for safe keeping who took it to South Africa when he was demobbed. He kept it in South Africa till 1921, then emigrated to England and later emigrated to Canada (1925) where he died. His son kept the book in their home in Canada and then the grandson looked after the book till his death. The grandson's family in 2020 decided to send it back to South Africa. At that time no-one had looked in depth at the contents as it was nearly 120 years old and very fragile. It was thought to be medical records from St Helena. When the editor opened the book to examine the contents to see what to do with the document, he found it was the Gedenksboek from Deadwood Camp in St Helena.
The purpose of this site is to publicise the contents so that readers can appreciate what life was like for the prisoners on St Helena.
Many of the photos shown were taken by the service offered by F.J.Fick Photo Blikkiesdorp, Deadwood Camp,St Helena (1900-1902)
This site is aimed at researchers and gives access to the original Dutch documents as well as English translations. The Dutch documents are in the form of high resolution images which you can download from your browser and process with an image viewer.
A 90 minute Zoom presentation is available which sets context and an overview of the documents on the site.
The images on this book are high resolution to preserve contents. Save the images and view with a viewer if more resolution needed.
Contact details for researchers for additional information
Copyright (2022)