Deadwood Camp Gedenksboek
De Krijgsgevangene No10 newspaper
Becker and Greyvenstein
Photographers, Music St, Lappiesdorp [Tent Town]
Address: Hut 351. "Good work guaranteed."
Every meal includes bread and butter
Minerals 2d a bottle
Ginger beer 2d a half-bottle
Passed away in Deadwood Camp Jozef Toeset on 19 September of heart faillure. Born in Netherlands, came from Haarlem.
Jacob van Deventer, 68, From Bronkhorsfontein, Vaal River Ward, Potchefstroom District. Died suddenly in Deadwood Camp, St Helena, on 5 September 1901.
St Helena, Saturday 21 September, 1901
H Everitt, Editor The businessmen in the camp - we mean the shopkeepers - recently held a meeting at which they agreed amongst themselves to display the prices of goods and not to open on Sundays. We find the latter praiseworthy and while some people were unhappy about recent price increases, we feel it is a safety measure. Competition had become so fierce that some shopkeepers were selling below cost in order to achieve sales. Had this continued without them including their costs and time, a large number would have been threatened by closure. The shops benefit us greatly and there are already shops in town which are selling goods below retail costs, so we cannot see how people should object to prices which include a small profit margin. The shops were after all, opened with profit in mind and it would be a fool - or a philanthropist - who continued to trade without making any profit.
The large number of shops in our camp are testimony that our entrepreneurial drive has not been extinguished by being exiled. It is really surprising to see how much "stock" the shopowners hold. Nearly every thing which a PoW might be likely to need is available from these shops, and given the relative scarcity of money among us, it is a wonder that so many of them can exist, and make any profit, otherwise they should have to close down.
We can therefore not criticise them for setting prices amongst themselves such that we can afford the items and they can still make a small profit.
Although we do not get any support from them in the form of advertisement, we wish them - all - the very best for their businesses.
The birthday of Her Majesty Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands
This occasion is celebrated annually in the Recreation Hall in the form of a special concert, and all decorators and participants are to be congratulated for their efforts in ensuring the event's great success. The Hall was beautifully decorated with greenery and flowers, the walls were covered by shields and trophies painted with the coats of arms of most of the important Dutch cities and the two Republics, all surrounded by the flags of most nations. A screen bearing the combined coats of Arms of the two Republics - painted by Mr Lindberg - is a veritable work of art. On the stage was a bust of Her Majesty - sculpted by Mr C van der Kwast - wreathed in flags, trophies and greenery, and flanked by two pedestals, each bearing a standing lion. The effect was outstanding and it is a wonder that the management were able to achieve so much with what little was to hand in resources. Printed programmes were available which formed a singular souvenir of this celebration in exile.
Proceedings opened with the National Anthem of the Netherlands played by a string quartet, the members being messrs Raw, Bosman, Buitendorp and Sausenthaler, respectively first and second violin, an alto-violin and a cello, which was much appreciated. Then the chairman of the Society, Mr. J.F. Houtzager, delivered a prologue in which he explained the reason for the gathering and congratulated the young ruler. Mr J. Teengs, representing the Afrikaners, delivered their best wishes in his poetry. The rest of the first part consisted of music, singing, and the recitation of a poem called the "Mouse Hunt" which gave rise to much laughter. Trios for two violins and piano were also well received, performed by Messrs Raw, Sausenthaler and Dijkman.
Mr Dalmeyer sang a song best titled "the Prisoner of War" to the tune of "Behutt dich Gott, es war so schoon gewesen" which drew much attention.
The second part consisted, apart form music and singing, of a musical farce by J.F. Houtzager, titled "The Drum-Major's Daughter" which was very well played and very amusing. Mr de Haas was convincing as "Klaartje", the lovely market tent star, whose actions made the audience feel sympathy towards the four sailors whose futile efforts to win her heart were rejected. The poet, the hero, the glutton and the drunkard all courted her, only to be told that she would choose "after the war ended". Her father (Played by Mr Teengs) was an extremely ferocious Drum-Major appeared to favour the gluttona and the drunkard above the other two sailors.
The third and last part of the evening was also the most attractive, consisting of Living Scenes (Tableaux Vivant) arranged by Messrs van Zuijlen and Kroon. The first sketch was titled "Forgotten Pain" and showed - in marble - a violinist and his wife who appeared to lose all their pain due to the tones he could elicit from his violin.
The second sketch was a representation of Napoleon whom we had followed into exile on St Helena, with realistic portraits of the Emperor.
This was followed by a series of three, titled "Love of the Fatherland". The first portrayed "Farewell", with two artillerymen leaving to join their commando. The grizzled greybeard father gave his last instructions and advice while the mother sat weeping, being comforted by her daughter. The second "On Leave" saw the old one lying down reading a letter with interest while the sister - whose brother had unexpectedly returned home - told him not to worry. In the "Last letter" our young artilleryman lies wounded and dying while a comrade writes down his dictated words and a pair of sympatheic burghers stand around. The backdrops for these three sketches were also painted by Mr Lindberg and showed the inside of a Boer house for the first two and a stone wall with trees for the third scene.
The fourth sketch depicted "President Kruger honoured by the Dutch Virgin". The old Statesman was in his familiar pose, sitting in his armchair, dressed in black with his scarf around his neck, one hand resting on his Bible and a pipe in the other [hand]. Behind him was the Dutch Virgin, clothed all in white, wearing a silver helmet and holding a palm frond above him.
The final sketch was titled "Peace". "Oom Paul" is still sitting in his chair; to his right and left two artillerymen kneel, holding the flags of the two republics with the Dutch Virgin, wearing a crown of flowers, holding a wreath over the tips of the two flagsticks.
The last two scenes were illuminated by flare candles [Bengal fire] which was very effective to the eyes of the audience but not to their noses or throats.
After a short closing address by Captain de Witt-Hamer the evening finished with the singing of the two Republican anthems
From a correspondent
In a German paper named "The Echo" XX year 984 page 1922, a group called "All Germany", sited here in Deadwood Camp, claims
that "according to our information a very large sum of hundreds of thousands of Marks has been in Berlin for quite a
long time, in the care of the Transvaal Consul-General, Justice Councillor Dr Winterveld, instead of being used under
the direction of Dr Leyds." [German unclear]
This information is totally untrue and does nothing but raise suspicion. According to our authentic information the facts
are as follows:
On 29 Nov 1899, Consul-General Winterfeldt sent an amount of Frs 23 968.45 to the Trust in Brussels. This was
followed on 6 February 1900 by Frs 30 712.53. An amount of Frs 24 024.72 of this was intended for the relief of Boer wounded,
widows and orphans while the balance was to go to the German Corps. Both amounts were sent to Pretoria, which was in desperate
need of immediate support. On 8 May 1900 the third and final amount, Frs 25 000, was received in Brussels, half of which was
earmarked for the German Corps. It was not possible for this money to reach its intended destination, so it was returned to the
Trust, with the understanding that it would be used to best effect for the benefit of the German Corps. Members of the said Corps
were able upon discharge from Hospital to apply for assistance from the Trust and an amount of Frs 45 156.27 was disbursed to
them, and not, as claimed by "All Germany", several hundred thousand Marks. If "All Germany" had checked the facts
by contacting the Consul-general or even the Trustees in Brussels, the sensational claims would not have spread worldwide. We
were under the impression that the German Corps under Lt Col A Schiel had ceased to exist after the unit was shattered at
Elandslaagte on 21 October 1899; and considered mention of their continued existence as a myth. Now we learn that this unit
was still in existence at least in May 1900.
We are also persuaded that the representative will ensure that all monies will be directed to the benefit of those for whom it was donated.
Entertainment [nut en vermaak] On 21st of this month the Society will hold a competition in stage oration which promises to be very interesting. Categories are Serious, Humorous, and Singing and the winners will receive certificates.
Last Saturday a general meeting was held wherein 55 new members were admitted and Messrs A. W. Borcherds and F. J. van Dijk Mathey were elected to the committee to replace Messrs Penn and Smorenberg, who had resigned. Mr D.C. Coetzee was appointed as the caretaker of the Society's building following Lieut Raubenheimer's departure.
Debating Society
Branch A - no meetings had been held in the past two weeks due to lack of attendance.
Branch B is still going strong and still puts on a monthly Journal reading.
It appears as if the two branches might be forced to merge.
We are informed that the church bell here in the Camp, as well as the one in Broadbottom, are donations form a Mr Percy Molteno, who currently lives in England. This gentleman has shown kindness to us more than once and we - all - thank him heartily for that.
A considerable number of PoWs have once again been given work outside the camp. Many are employed in extending the pipeline which has to bring desalinated [condensed] water from Rupert's Valley to the Camp. Another 50 are busy working on the cable extensions, because the cable office is being moved from Rupert's Vally to "The Briars". The work is being carried out under the supervision of Mr Von Schädler, who is also a PoW.
The Camp Commandant has significantly extended the number of parolees. Even the line captains have authority to go out [of camp] with up to twelve men. And the pupils - if one can call men of different ages between 16 and 50 "pupils" - are allowed out on their day off to hike [wandel]. We cherish the hope that nobody will take advantage of these concessions and misbehave so that the privileges are again withdrawn.
We have received numerous letters from all over the world asking to subscribe to our Paper. Curio makers choosing to advertise their products therein would thus stand to gain a large return for a relatively small outlay.
The 'brothers in arms' fencing association.
On 21st August, 19 PoWs started this association, enabled by Mr Wijgers, former instructor at "The Free Brothers in Arms" in Pretoria and now living in Haarlem in Holland. A friendly exchange has resulted in the donation of a complete set of fencing equipment, for which he was roundly thanked.
The appreciation of the PoWs was shown when the fencers recently put on a show in the Recreation Hall at which Messrs de Haas, Stalks, Hoogland and Saris showed off their skills.
It is sad that the number of members is restricted to 35 because there is not enough equipment to support any more.
The management team, chairman J.H. van Zuijlen, Secretary and treasurer W.C. van Gheel Gildenmeester, Instructor H.A. de Haas and committee members J.A. Saris and S. Hoogland have taken steps to acquire more equipment, in which effort we are sure they will succeed.
The instructor leads all lessons, supported by the committee members.
The members are divided into 3 groups, each of which practices twice a week.
These practices happen in the recreation hall by permission of the Nut en vermaak committee started on 5th September.
The association aims to not only promote the art of fencing but also to provide some pleasure to the PoWs in future exhibitions.
May they succed in both their aims.
In answer to the letter of sympathy sent by the PoWs here to His Excellency President Kruger, Captain de Witt Hamer has received the
following reply:
Casa Cara, Hilversum, 26th August 1901
His Excellency President Kruger instructs me to extend his heartfelt thanks for the letter of 29th July and to tell you
what a source of refreshment he draws from the PoWs, not only in your establishment but from all quarters, who keep him in their thoughts
throughout his great sadness.
His Excellency also greatly appreciates your participation.
I have the honour to remain, etc
Signed C. van Boeschoten
Head of Service
Eendracht vs Mausers.-This game was replayed on 27th ult., and was won by the latter by 8 points to nil. Up to half-time the Eendrachts had a bit the best of it, owing to some pretty combined play by Lindenberg and the brothers C. and T. Mijnhardt. Hutchinson also worked very hard at half, but was a bit selfish.
On resuming the Mausers attacked at once, and E. Mijnhardt got over receiving a pass from P. Albertijn, who was playing very prettily. Shortly after Verster rushed over from a scrum, and Mike Pentz converted.
Parker, Verster, and H. Botha all worked hard, and Harry Webb was "all there" as usual.
"Mausers vs Krugerites" This was the final match of the Tournament, and as the two teams had equal points both were determined to win.
It resulted in a win for the Krugerites by 6-3; throughout the Mausers had - if anything - a bit the best of it, and were very unlucky in losing. Becker the Krugerite full-back, was very good, and certain by saved tbe day ; but his flying kicks are dangerous, and will land him in a hole some day. The Mauser full-back on the contrary, was very weak. Phil Blignaut made one splendid run right up the field, and was shoved out by E. Mijnhardt within a yard of the goalline, securing first score. E. Mijnhardt equalized securing a short pass behind a scrum. The final trial was made by Nel who accepted a pass from "Kimberley." None of the tries were converted which bears out our repeated warning to our players to practice place-kicking.
In our next issue we will give a full account of the results of this Tournament.
Vijfkleur vs. Broadbottom -This match was played at Francis plain, on Saturday last and resulted in a draw.
At last our prophecy is verified, and a real billiard table has been erected in Camp, through the enterprise of Mr. W. Page. It is undersized, but a. fairly good table, and the charges are moderate. After a little time allowed for practice, we shall hope to see a tournament in this line also.
Agent for Broadbottom, den Heer Meyer.
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