Deadwood Camp Gedenksboek
De Krijgsgevangene No12 newspaper

De Krijgsgevangene No12  pg 1
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Author's Copyright reserved. Saturday 16 Nov., 1901, No 12

Prak and Heyink.

Photographers in Deadwood Camp.
We make small and large portraits, group photos
camp and other snaps, etc. Fellow PoWs and
visitors are invited to visit our studio.

Customers sought. Reasonable prices.
Neat and thorough work guaranteed.

Prisoner of War Pantechnicon.

The above institution has been opened by H C Roberts
(Onze Bob) and is designed to meet the wants of
captured humanity resident in Boradbottom.
Best brands of the fragrant weed always on hand.
Postal Ad: No.1 Bankrupt Row.
Cable " Scrapiron.


All kinds of curios, made by Boer Prisoners of War
at most reasonable prices.
Price list obtainable at "De Krijgsgevangene" Office
Deadwood Camp, St Helena. Price per Post, 3d.


John Thomas Martins, born at K.K. on 22nd April, 1843, passed away on St Helena on 7 October, 1901, was living at Jachtfontein, Ward Gatsrand, Dist. Potchefstroom. He served for 21 years as the Veld-Cornet of the Gatsrand Ward, and functioned as the commandant in the war against Mapoch as well as this current confict.
A true friend for his burghers, he gave them a prizeworthy example in the areas of religion and politics. A loving father and a good official has gone forth.

Frans Alwijn Naude, from CHristna's Rest, Ward lowveld, Dist. Zoutpansberg.Passed away in Deadwood Camp Hospital on 6th Nov., 1901, at the age of 49 years.

Passed away after a short suffering of only two days, our friend and comrade-in-arms, Floris van der Vlucht, Prisoner of War, from Elandslaagte; at the age of 43 years, in the Deadwood Camp Hospital.
From his friend J.Sares.

The "Krijgsgevangene" can only be obtained at the Store of Mr A.L. Innes, Photographer, Jamestown.

De Krygsgevangene

St Hel[e]na, Saturday, 16 Nov., 1901.
H.Everitt, Editor

In our lead article we wish to make clear that if we find a reason to criticise any PoW who holds a public office we shall not shrink from issuing such criticism. Until now we have had no reason to criticise, but we cannot neglect to complain about the attitude of the "Line-Captains" in Deadwood Camp. It must be understood that we are not crying "Kip! Kip!, because there are some sensible men amongst them but if the shoe fits ...

The Line-Captains seem to have been misled by their title. They are chosen from and by the public, one per line [of tents] to represent that line "at the receiving of and issuing of rations, wood, clothing, etc., and for no other purpose." When we are on Commando, the equivalent official is called "Corporal" and it would seem, as we suggest, that here the title of Line-Captain has led to misunderstanding. They have taken unto themselves the power to represent the public in ALL matters, and seem to think that by a single decision that can make the whole camp dance to their tune. They even propose rules to the officers. This is not suspected - we know of an individual who has publicly stated that he rules the camp and nobody else. But we refute - along with all sensible PoWs - the suggestion that they have authority over anything other than the aforesaid issuing of goods, etc. In every other case they must canvass the public [PoWs].

And now to the point: and over which we have to express our greatest disapproval. In a recent matter it seemed necessary to them to let the public vote. Some of them resorted to a false, underhand way of going about this, telling the public things which were at odds with the true facts, thereby misleading the public. This allowed them to win some votes which led to their views winning, with the apparent support of their lines. But not everybody is deaf or blind and their methods have been uncovered. Hence this article.

De Krijgsgevangene No12  pg 2
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If, for argument's sake, we accept that the Line-Captains are the representatives of the public, then their actions in the matter (the capture of the distribution comittee) should not go uncriticised. Rumours against one of the committee members surfaced and came to the ears of the Line-Captains in a meeting. And what did they do? Did they start investigating if there were any truth in the rumours? No! They took a decision that the other two commissioners - against whom there were no complaints - would be asked to resign! And when they refused to resign without cause, some - not only the Line-Captains - went around telling the public that they HAD resigned, opening the way for a new election.

We regret to see any show of double-dealings in our Camp, and we would hope that these few words should open the eyes of the Line-Captains to the fact that their actions were not correct. Let them thus advise the public of the true state of affairs, and seek the advice of older and higher ranked officers instead of going off on their own bat.

Let them also forego the notion that they and they alone rule the camp and things will return to an even keel.

The Widow and Orphans Funds

We ask our readers to please study the letter from Capt de Witt-Hamer. It is greatly encouraging to learn that the considerable amount of £152 was raised by the sale of items donated towards this worthy cause.

Capt de Witt-Hamer has appealed for yet another consignment of items for this good cause. The Committee continues to exist and is prepared to accept goods, pack and send them. We expect another good response.

Goods are also being sent to Europe from Ceylon and other PoW camps; but so far we lead in both quality and quantity of items received. Let us strive to keep the upper hand. Way to go St Helena! [St Helena boo!]


Dear Editor
Please publish this in your paper for general public interest:
At the start of the year I requested my fellow PoWs to give me the envelopes in which they had received mail. The purpose was to resell these envelopes with all proceeds to be used to ease the plight of the women and children in the Concentration Camps.
Supported by the recently set up association here, I have received thousands of envelopes and sent them off as follows:
To England (Dr Flowright) 1000 pieces
To France (A Durnont) 900 do.
To Holland (My two brothers) 1915 do.
To Russia (Ds Gillot) 300 do.

I have heard nothing further about the Russian consignment. In England the monies go to the "The Boer Women and Children's Clothing Fund". In France the monies go to the Comité pour assister les femmes et enfants Boers - the committee to help the Boer women and children. In Holland the proceeds go to the Broekhuizen Fund. In addition to selling envelopes, this last named fund, which exists solely for the purpose of supporting the women and children in the camps in South Africa, benefitted in the last few months from exhibiting and selling useful, artistic and tasteful items made by the PoWs. I have not yet heard about what has happened to the proceeds of this resource. The PoWs in Ceylon have, following our example, sent envelopes and four chests of items to my brother in Haarlem. In future I will not be able to separate the receipts for the different groups of items. Those receipts already received may be viewed and the proceeds from the different countries are:-
England £5; 15s; 0d
France £22; 0s; 0d
Netherlands £121; 8s; 2d

The idea that by purchasing used envelopes and items made by PoWs, which could thereby also contribute to helping the widows and orphans, encourages many to purchase.

My sources inform me that staves can fetch between 3 and 8 shillings, depending on their decoration; a cut-out pijk goes for 8s 4d; a serviette ring engraved with the coat of arms and "Nil Desperandum" motto can go for £ 2; 1s; 8d. Snake boxes, baboon toys and wooden beakers are not very popular. In Paris, none of the brooches nor matchboxes found buyers.

I hope to send a model of a twenty-stamper gold battery, made by Messrs Wiklund, Rank, Lindberg and Schultz, on the next mailship, to be displayed in various cities, together with the cannon made by Messrs Borcherds and Jooste which is already on display. I would like to send a chest or two of items at the same time.

In Broadbottom Camp thanks to the kind efforts of Mr Fivaz, there ie already almost a full chest of items ready to be sent. I have already received from Messrs G. P. Jacobs and J. J. Mitchell in Deadwood Camp an appreciable number of pen holders. Veld Cornet Jan Bosman, Messrs Everitt and Coetzee who have gone to much trouble previously are again willing to take receipt of any and all donations. The idea is to have the items arrive before Christmas so that people might take advantage of buying items made by PoWs.

De Krijgsgevangene No12 pg 3
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Here is a list of desired easy-to-sell articles:
Envelopes with stamps of greater than 1d value; envelopes of registered items; passes, notices and documents connected to the current War; newspapers and reports, photos, [penningen], and coins from the old Z.A.R. and from St Helena; portrait [lijstjes]; letter openers, serviette rings, spoons, [étagers], penholders, brooches; small things to add on watch chains. Inscribe the words "made by PoW St Helena" or "Souvenir of PoW St Helena" or people won't buy them.

The money is spent on purchasing and sending milk, sugar, oatmeal, children's and women's clothes, nurses, medicine etc. to the women's camps. The PoWs in Ceylon are ahead of us at present. Let us therefore quickly work together to ease the suffering of our own family members. God will reward you!

In grateful appreciation of your taking up this challenge
Your fellow PoW
Verselewel De Witt Hamer
Kapt. H.V.C.
Deadwood Camp, 12 Nov., 1901.

In Paris (France) a group of 18 women have formed themselves into a committee calling themselves the "Commission for supporting the Boer women and children". They ask their friends and acquaintances to donate money and clothing, for the benefit of not only the women and children in the camps in South Africa, but also the PoWs in Ceylon and St Helena. Once a month they report on what they have done in the newspapers. They also send money to the established committees in Holland which are buying things [for the PoWs].

It is apparent that schoolchildren are giving their [penningen] to the cause. The committee also holds fundraisers in villages, specifically in the market squares and in factories. The committee is mostly receiving support from the working classes.

The treasurer of the committee is Mrs Albert Dumont, who has given certain information. Our Consul-General in Paris writes: "Mrs Dumont is unceasingly busy and I have seldom seen such devotion to action. I think it would be appropriate if the PoWs on St Helena sent her even a single token or word of appreciation of her efforts which I would love to give her."


We ask our readers for their forgiveness for the irregular appearing of our last few issues, including this one. Unfortunately the copy which was intended [for this issue] disappeared between here [this office] and Jamestown.

In future this paper will appear more regularly, in pursuit of which we are to change our printing arrangements, which should also make 'De Krijgsgevangene' cheaper to produce. These arrangements will be made known in due course and it is hoped will lead to greater support than that which we have enjoyed thus far.

School for PoWs in Jamestown.

Thanks to great efforts by Mr Louis Bester, a school for the PoWs from Jamestown, Rupert's Valley and "The Briars" was opened on 6th October in the R.E. camp, Jamestown. All the members of the school committee were there: P. Theron (Chairman), C.J. Groenewald, L.J. de Clus, Ch. Coetzee, P. Preller, (now resigned) A.P.J. Fourie and H.J. Fick (Secretary) as well as about forty others, mainly pupils.

Mr P. Theron spoke briefly about building the school and expressed the hope that it would be a blessing for young and old. After short addresses from Messrs le Clus and Fourie, the opening formalities were over and the organising of classes began. Around thirty pu[pils registered for the main subjects and also for English. Classes will take place from 5:30 to 9pm because everybody works during the day.

We are well provided with Dutch books, but ones in English are scarce. However we hope to receive some shortly and then we will be able to fill our school.

We cannot forego this opportunity by neglecting to tell the young men who are presented with the chance to attend school of the absolute necessity of taking it up. If the opportunity passes you never get it again. Each pupil pays 2s 6d a month towards the cost of the building, lights and the teacher (Mr A.P.J. Fourie).

The schoolhouse was erected by the School Committee together with the help of the pupils and other interested parties. The military authorities kindly presented us with 200 bags of "oats" for which we thanks them as also for various other favours granted in order to benefit the school.

The timber for the building at £2 10s was the largest expense for the room (14 x 30) [feet] (4.25m x 9.4m) Let us hope that many will take advantage so that they can become good citizens when we return to our own [country].

Camp News.

The German Association celebrated its first birthday with a concert or friendly [gezellig] evening to which many non-members were also invited. The programme was good and included several recitations and musical items as well as a play, "Die Alte Briefen" which was performed by members residing outside the camp. We repeat the sentiment already expressed by to us by our Entertainment [club] viz. that the German Association should have not so much a long but a successfull existence, "a short life but a merry one!"

Our camp is being significantly enlarged, nobody knows why, but the rumour isthat the PoWs from Broadbottom camp are going to be moved here. Well, we shall see in due course.

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The "Brothers in Arms" fencing society has received several sabres and other equipment from Holland, and one of the more advanced members has started practicing with them. We expect a very interesting display from them at a later opportunity.

The singing classes run by Mr G M Slabbert have attracted 25 members. Their name is "The St Helena PoWs Perserverance Choir". The choir concentrates on practicing the well known song by J. Cilliers as well as various [sticjhtelijke] and rousing other songs. The Committee consists of Messrs L.J. le Clus (Chairman), J.S. Bezuidenhout (Vice-Chairman), G.M. Slabbert (Instructor), C.B. Genis (Secretary), D.C. Verwij and A.P. Lubbe.

Hospital Snippets [Spanders].

Since the death of Commandant Martins we have suffered the loss of three others: W.C. Jansen van Rensburg (No 2 Camp) old Mr J.G. Venter 69 and A. Kleynhans 61 years old.

The Hon Mr Arnoldi, Krijgs-Commisaris Z W G, was also in the hospital for a week or so but thank God he has recovered. We miss him and wish him all the best future health and fortune.

Oom Jannie Cilliers, from Potchafstroom, one of our most prominent poets, has also recovered slightly since he was here. We hope to see him recover speedily and may he be long in our midst.

Progress of the other patients is satisfactory, amongst which are some elderly for example Mr Bester at 75 years of age.

This morning four of the whitebeards, including Mr Swart, played "quoits', quite a sight to see! We hope the youngsters follow their example.

Sporting News


In our last issue we promised to publish the full results of the last tournament, and we do so now below. As will be seen the Z.A.R. turned out the winners, by 10 points, as against 8 scored by the Nil Desperandum, and nil by the Vierkleur. The last named club withdrew after the 2nd round, having been weakened through several of its members who have gone to live out of the camp.

We do not publish the bowling and batting averages, as both run so small as to be almost ridiculous. This is chiefly to be accounted for by the bad pitch, which gave the bowlers a tremendous advantage over the batsmen. Several of our players have already won their spurs on other cricket fields, but were unable to do anything here. The highest batting average - held by W. Parker, was 14¾, while J. Lindenburg ran a close second with 14 ⅜. No other average reaches double figures. Lindenburg made the highest score, 36, while Parker was almost equal with 35.

The medal promised by us for the best bowling average was won by A.Pretorius with an average of 4.44, though Nap van Ryneveldt was almost as good, with 4.57. The former's total reads 96 overs, 169 runs, 38 wickets, that of the latter 81 overs, 151 runs, 33 wickets.The medal will be presented to Mr Pretorius as soon as the engraver has placed his name thereon, and we congratulate him heartily on his success. May he continue to prove his medal on other cricket fields.

The points were scored as follows:-
A table gives the matrix which showe Nil Desperandum awarded two points for beating ZAR in the second game of the first round. ZAR won twice against ND in the first round - the first and second games. Both ZAR and ND beat Vierkleur in each of the first two rounds and the third round was not played once VK withdrew. Two points were awarded for a win and one for a draw.


In this line - the only one which is at all lively in camp - a handicap of 250 has been arranged to be played on the table which - we are informed - belongs to Mr K Waldeck, but stands in Messrs Young and Nel's building.

We shall expect some good games as there are some "dark horse" among the players.

As managing Committee were appointed Messrs. Nel (Chairman), Lorentz, Parker and J van Reenen, and as handicappers Messrs Dorey, A Pretorius and H de Meillon.

The entries and handicaps are as follows:-
W. Parker and Young, 75, points
W. Stiemens and J. Lorentz, 50, points
H. Siegte, J. A. Sares, D. Coetzee, 40, points
H. Church, J. Waldeck, N. van Reyneveldt, 30, points
J. van Reenen, A. Jankowitz, J. P. Nel, R. Uckerman, 20, points
H. Everitt, J. Joubert, I. Rothman, C.Pentz, Scratch
A. Smorenburg, J. Besseling, J. Bammens, 15, points
P. J. Blignaut, E. Mijnhardt, P. de Wet, J. Lamb, 25, points
T. Gozlit, J.J. Edwards, J. Geldenhuis, 50, points
M. Elzas, C Levy, 75, points

Printed and published by H. Everitt and H. J. Fick, by B. Grant, Guardian Office Deadwood Camp and Jamestown.
Agent at Broadbottom, Mr C. Meyer.

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