Deadwood Camp Gedenksboek
De Krijgsgevangene No15 newspaper
De Krijgsgevangene (The Prisoner of War)
St Helena, Saturday 28 December 1901
H Everitt Editor
This is now the second, and for a large number of us, the third Christmas when we find ourselves in exile. Who would have thought in December 1900 when we celebrated Christmas so happily, that we should still be here having to celebrate this year? Still, we trust and pray that this will be the last time, and that before another Christmas Eve dawns, the war which has so ravaged our land and has claimed so many sacrifices from our dear people will have drawn to a close; and that over the whole world, Angel voices shall rise at the birth of our Saviour, as it is written in Luke 2 v 14:- Glory to God in the highest [heaven], peace on earth, and good will to all men.
We are saddened by the news that Capt V de Witt Hamer has been confined to his bed by a back problem. We wish him a speedy recovery from this painful condition and look forward to him returning to our midst.
A coffee shop benefitting the abovementioned fund has also been opened by the "Strivers' Society". Here you can enjoy a cup of coffee and some cake, or any confectionery at reasonable prices, with all profits from this estimable enterprise going to support the fund. We cherish the wish that our brother PoWs will support this café in large measure.
We wish to give the management a tip - viz. [namely] instead of sending the profits, why not spend the money on curios made here in the camp, whereby the manufacturers of the curios would also stand to benefit, thus spreading assistance even further.
The manufacturers, knowing the purpose for which the curios were bought, and realising the source of the funds used to buy them, would be obliged to keep their prices reasonable.
Dear Editor
Please would you publish the following in "de Krygsgvangene"
Thank You
I the undersigned, having asked my fellow PoWs to contribute 200 pieces to the Diaconate Orphanage in s'Gravenhage, Holland,
wish to let everybody who contributed, that they received a gift of 1000 items and wish to express their heartfelt gratitude.
Many orphans will be happy [Jubilate] when this kist arrives.
Thanking you for the donations, I remain
yours ;, ;,
H de Graaf
Hut 129
This brings the total to £ 231:0:0
The following reply has been received following the congratulatory telegram sent on 10 October [on the occasion of President Kruger's birthday]
Casa Cara
Hilversum 17 October 1901
B.B. No VI 95.01
Honourable gentlemen
Prisoners of War
St Helana.
Dear honourable sirs
His Honour the President has instructed me to acknowledge your much appreciated
congratulatory cablegram, on his Honour's 76th birthday. His Honour thanks you
I have the honour to be
your devoted servant
(signed) C van Boeschoten.
At midnight our newly formed Musical Corps started playing and several hymns, songs and Psalms were sung, the sounds of which rang out pleasantly in the stillnes of the night.
Considering the short time they have existed, praise is due to the Corps for the wonderful singing of musical items chosen by the audience and we are sure that after this they will be able to compete with all comers.
Everybody provided their own refreshments and the day passed pleasantly.
Judicial Commission We are told that the commissioners have progressed so well with the task of drawing up the regulations that they will, following the approval of the Camp Commandant, be displayed publicly and come into force with immediate effect.
To be continued.
Agents for this paper are:
H.J. Fick Jamestown
C. Meyer Broadbottom
Printed and published by H. Everitt, Deadwood Camp at the offices of "De Krygsgevangene".
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