Deadwood Camp Gedenksboek
Boer hospital and patients St Helena
1. Top row: W Bosch; Pte Z? Bowers (Eng orderly); Pte Atkinson,(Eng orderly);
J. J. Fritz; Pte. Arthur McCume, (Eng orderly) Pte S.J. Varre,(Eng orderly); P. Webb.
2.) J.J. Earp; (Eng Corporal;) Joh. Pretorius, P Groenewald; J. le Roux;
J. Bester; Jac. Strydom; J.W. Swart; Reinhart Zentgraf; Louis Swarts;
M. Jacobs; T.S. le Roux; P.H. van Vreeden; H. Spuit;
3) J.C. Vorster, (Boer orderly); Lanques (Frenchman); J.C. Cilliers; E.Kristieke;
H.L. Reyneke; Jan C. Schoeman; Joh. C. Schoeman; Jack v d Merwe (Boer orderly)
4) J.H. de Lange; A.H. Hutchinson (Boer orderly) B.H. Arnoldi; Snider (St Helena)
J.H. MacKenzie (Boer orderly); A.H. Krugel (Boer orderly); G.M.J. Slabbert (Boer orderly)
with best wishes from J C Cilliers.
c/o Col. JW Hind Deadwood Camp 9 April 1902
Commdt Pris: Deadw. C. St Helena
Following my letter of 2 April and the subsequent interview which Comdt Glaeser
had with you about the disturbing number of cases of swollen legs currently being experienced
amongst the PoWs at Deadwood, allow me the freedom to accede to your request to have a written report
submitted to the medical officers with the facts and specific details of the cases, which I now hand
over with our best efforts at giving you the exact state of cases.
I have the honour to be
[on behalf of] the Commission
Henry A Louw
Copy of a Report by a commission formed by the Line Captains of Deadwood C[amp] to investigate the
occurrence of weak stomachs and swollen legs currently raging amongst the PoWs.
the Medical officers
serving in the Hospital at Deadwood.
Deadwood St Helena
Dear Sirs
We the undersigned members of the Commission appointed by the line Captains of the PoWs at Deadwood
Camp to represent the PoWs take the liberty of approaching you following repeated requests from visitors
to the Camp concerned about the increased numbers of PoWs suffering from weak stomachs and swollen legs.
We respectfully request you to concentrate on this matter for which the Commission should be able to advise
you on remedial action.
1. A while ago PoWs who came to the camp around two years ago started to suffer from weak stomachs. As imprisonment continued, some started developing swollen legs. In due course the swelling would increase and the patient would stop eating until eventually the swelling spread to the whole body and the patient became weaker until death inevitably occurred. Although there were but a few cases in the beginning, the number [of cases] has increased to an alarming extent as shown by the statistics and it has become necessary to call upon the Commission to study the matter and as we are sure they shall, take it very seriously.
2. That the Line Captains take this matter more seriously in order to determine the origin of the sickness, as well as to find a remedy and how to apply such, a way to prevent the sickness from continuing to spread and to consider: [constateer]
A. That, so far as can be seen from the statistics, the length of incarceration exerts an enormous influence in that of the 192 cases, 137 are from those who have been here 2 years or longer; 44 are from those who have been here 18 months and a single case being a PoW here for less than a year.
B. It has to be mentioned that in addition to the above, a distinction has been made between those PoWs living outside the Camp and those staying inside; not a single case of weak stomach/swollen legs has been found in the former group.
C. Age also appears to influence the sickness inasmuch as, of the 192 patients, 137 are over 30 and [only] 55 below that age.
D. It is also a proven fact that patients who were sent to Jamestown and treated with sea water baths recovered but that once they returned to the camp the sickness reoccurred.
E. That the provision of fresh vegetables be included for people who are imprisoned for long periods of time
because the human body finds it hard to cope with foods which are strange to it.
Finally we the undersigned declare that this is the state of affairs at present and that as any more specific
information becomes apparent it will be forwarded to yourselves. Since you were asked by the public to investigate
the matter, we earnestly request you to consider the report and the statistics seriously.
we have the honour to be
Statement about the PoWs who are sick in the camp suffering from weak stomachs and/or swollen legs
Total number of sick; 192
Of these
Number sick with weak stomachs; 104
I the undersigned declare that the above reflects the true state of illness in Deadwood Camp.
Henry. A Louw
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your servants
Line captains
w.q. Henry A. Louw Secretary
of which older than 30; 137
and younger than 30; 55
number imprisoned for over 2 years; 137
number imprisoned for 12-18 months; 44
number imprisoned for under 1 year; 1
Number sick with swollen legs; 65
Number sick with both; 23
Line Captain:-
w.q. signature