(Col Schiel sitting on left, Capt de Witt Hamer standing behind Schiel, secretary G.Keizer standing back right - editor)
Kent cottage Residence of General Cronje, his staff and Mrs Cronje
M J Wolmarans Commandant P.C.Stroom [Potchefstroom] Z.A.R.
(Officer in command of Deadwood Camp - editor)
(Photo shows how blikkiesdorp was created using the biscuit tins that packaged the biscuit rations given to
prisoners as a basic building block - The tins were about 2ft by 2 ft - editor)
Brothers J & P Wolfaart who were both wounded by a single shell in the fighting at Magersfontein
on 11 Dec 1899. One lost a piece of jawbone and the other was hit in the hand by a shell fragment.
Ds P Monnik Prisoner Deadwood Camp St Helena 1902
Waterfall at "Dianas Peak" St Helena
B H v Ketel Arnoldi
? Velden Wyk Schoonspruit P.C Stroom Z A R
Meelt v d Spuy,J v Tonder, C Viljoen, C Schabort
Photo supplied by P J Jooste (Asst Prison commissioner) St Helena 5 Feb 1902
Huge pots used by the slaves at in early days Ruperts Valley St Helena (1901)
(Ed note - The pots are whaling trypots that were used for boiling blubber for oil.)