Deadwood Camp Gedenksboek
Postcard artwork sent by prisoners at St Helena
The main publisher on the Island was A.L. Innes , a name that appears in the camp newspapers. E.A.Thorpe and Thomas Jackson were other local publishers.
In the camps it would appear that Nano Prak and Heyink were the the principal publishers and I believe that it was these gentlemen that supplied M.A. Franks of Rotterdam with images which enabled them to produce a series of cards that were sold in Holland for charitable purposes.
There was a further series of cards showing the same view of Deadwood Camp which appear to have been produced after the war by Sallo Epstein of Durban.
The cards cover a range of areas and some are multiviews covering a number of areas. The main categories are pictorial views of St. Helena, views of the camps and camp activities, General Cronje, P.O.W.s arriving and leaving and cards showing the arrival of some of British forces.
There are also cards with artwork on them done by the prisoners and sent to individuals,
(Ed note:- Text on card - and your affectionate Oscar Cederstrom P.O.W. No 3704 30 Jun 02 - Deadwood Camp Tent No 52 St Helena)
St Helena 15 Mar 1901 - With heartfelt thanks on behalf of the prisoners of war
(Ed note;- In the camps Nano Prak and Heyink were the the principal publishers, and supplied the design to be produced by Weinthal & Co, Rotterdam, for sale to provide funds for charities. This card is signed by Nano Prak)
Best wishes to both for Christmas and New Year
Card was sent by B.H. Van Ketel Arnoldi , secretary to General Cronje.
Deadwood Camp 15-12-1901
My dear Miss de Villiers. Merely to convey to you my best wishes for a happy New Year.
May the day soon arrive when we will be at peace. Yours very sincerely B.H. Van Ketel Arnoldi
Zaandam 6 June 1901
Your …….. letter received with thanks and keeping ourselves ready for more details. We hope as much as possible as we are prepared to continue answering to this good cause (purpose).
Feast Sub Comite Zaandam
H.J.Omeijer P de Lange …R X Atons-tesnpe {s'eo} and up the side G M A Furstenburg
(Ed note : Wilf writes -The is the only example of a card produced on St. Helena that I have seen that has been addressed back to St. Helena. It has been sent from Holland to Captain De Witt Hamer. )
Greetings from Lina V.
Cato Tuyn
(Ed note:- This same image is in the scrapbook. The Boer Hospital is behind the wall on the left)
Dear Etha. How are you. Have you also written to Betsie?
B.P. Received with your love my wife, Thank you for all the postcards.
now you must at least get Nollie to laugh, make a Pun, otherwise it will tick her off.
Farewell the big v.h.t.h. John
We are very obliged for your friendliness in the sending of the B.N. Happy New Year.
On behalf of the k.z.
Walter Cottage
30-11-01 Verselewel de Witt Hamer Captain Dutch Volunteer Corps
Barracks contructed by the prisoners, using biscuits boxes, covering fabric tiles or white .....
They serve to form [as..ndi] with spaces of ..... [frot...] houses or a few of them have started
small industries.
Capt de Framond.
currently accomodation for Gen Cronje | Souvenier of St Helena
Napoleon's Tomb
Jamestown from the sea
Jacob's Ladder 700 steps
Greetings from St Helena
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