H. Marsh Maritime Research Centre
at the
Iziko Maritime Centre
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visits- m Research Answers from the World Doyen of Maritime Historians m Can you help with information? m Research Answers from the JMMC m Links to other sites m The Doyen J H Marsh m Where to find us |
Iziko Museums of South Africa
Iziko Maritime Centre & John H Marsh Maritime Research Centre
PO Box 61 Cape Town 8000
Tel: +27 (0)21 405 2884
Fax: +27(0)21 405 2888
Email: Send web message
Iziko Museums Website:
Other well-known books published by John Marsh and available on the Internet
"Skeleton Coast" The
wreck of the Dunedin Star
"No Pathway Here" The Annexation of Prince Edward and Marion Islands
South Africa and the War at Sea by J H Marsh: booklet of interesting ships calling at Cape Town